After you have received your BDP, you can book a coaching conversation (60 minutes) with us to explore the impact of the profile and tips for using this tool to improve your effectiveness. See coaching options.
Six Seconds© Tools for Growth.
The Brain Discovery Profile (BDP) brings together the Brain Styles and highest and lowest Brain Talents for a concise, powerful look at a person’s current capabilities. How are your style, strengths, and challenges creating results?
Participants take the SEI, the best-in-class emotional intelligence assessment from Six Seconds, and responses are analyzed using a special algorithm utilizing all 20 normative scales. In short, the profiles bring a decade of research into an easy-to-use single page profile with profound value for learning, coaching, performance management, selection, and growth.
Given that it is drawn from psychometric data, please allow us 24 hours to log your assessment. We will send you payment details and instructions to complete it online.
After you have received your BDP, you can book a coaching conversation (60 minutes) with us to explore the impact of the profile and tips for using this tool to improve your effectiveness. See coaching options.
Six Seconds© Tools for Growth.
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