Brain Brief Profile (BBP)


How does your brain focus, decide, and drive? What is your Brain Style?

The Brain Brief Profile (BBP) is a one-page synthesis of the way a person’s brain processes emotional and cognitive data. How to use: The BBP is highly effective for development, learning, coaching, mentoring, team development and for managers to use to build communication with their people.

Given that it is drawn from psychometric data, please allow us 24 hours to log your assessment. We will send you payment details and instructions to complete it online.

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The BBP provides a simple, practical summary of a person’s style for using emotional intelligence — how they are integrating thinking + feeling to make good decisions to drive positive results. Brain Style is about capability. Unlike many “style inventories,” the Brain Brief is distilled from a full-power psychometric assessment.

After you have received your BBP, you can book a coaching conversation (60 minutes) with us to explore the impact of the profile and tips for using this tool to improve your effectiveness. See coaching options.

Snapshot’s of your brain’s styles and talents to effectively use emotional + cognitive data. Six Seconds© Tools for Growth.


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