Investing in yourself results in you feeling more grounded and confident. Developing greater self-awareness results in making more conscious life choices.
After purchasing your package, we will email you a Current Snapshot Form. This just has some question prompts that get you thinking about what you want to achieve through the sessions. We will include a link to complete the NBI Thinking Preference Profile.
Initial consultation followed by SIX (weekly or fortnightly) sessions over a two month period.
Dr Amy Long –
The sessions with Carey were invaluable. Her accountability-driven approach builds self-awareness and allows you to grow in unexpected ways. I consider this type of course essential to senior managers and professionals alike.
Mickaila Barends –
The sessions with Carey taught me how to recognize, understand, and manage my emotions, as well as the emotions of others. I continue to make reference to her teachings as it greatly assists me in my role at work.