Navigating Change Webinar Series

How to navigate change and uncertainty is becoming the most crucial conversation of the 21st Century. This webinar series offers 5 practical tools that you can action in your personal & professional life to ensure you use change as an opportunity.

How one interacts with change is the difference between surviving and thriving. Using the globally recognized Change Map© we unpack both the rational (tactical) and emotional (transformational) aspects of change and build your capacity to navigate uncertainty.

Designed for busy people wanting to accelerate change, this series has three separate two hour webinars. Details of each webinar below.

Navigating Change 1 – Insights into resilience barriers(2 hours)

What have you got in common with a squash ball in a basin?

Using neuroscience insights, we consider what blocks and what drives change. We introduce The Change Map© as a structured way of approaching the tactical and transformational aspects of change as they apply to your business. We unpack the Three P’s that are widely referred to as the psychological barriers to resilience and use the first Smart Move in the series to overcome this resistance.

Navigating Change 2 – Influencing uncertainty & taking back control( 2 Hours)

Discover why we should stop exaggerating, awfulizing and generalizing and start to influence uncertainty to tip the balance back in our favour. Both the speed and strength of your response to change matter. We explore how to regain proactive focus and use your energy for impact when the world around you seems to be unravelling.

Navigating Change 3 – Overcoming resistance and taking decisive action(2 Hours)

We can be our own worst enemy when uncertainty hits. Our default responses are often patterns that sabotage us. We use the process of Consequential Thinking (ACT©) to ensure you manage your impulses and act intentionally. This process will allow you to identify the response that is optimal for yourself and others, reducing your chances of regret.


6 Hours


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