Crazy Crocs – Team Building

When you are up to your knees in alligators it’s hard to remember that the original exercise was to drain the swamp!

  • Struggling to get colleagues to embrace new ideas?
  • Feeling attacked by parents?
  • Battling to make change stick?
  • Heard enough complaining and blaming?

Your staff needs a Crazy Croc Session to break dysfunctional habits. The session is interactive and includes some cool team building activities.

We know that when we are faced with changes in our work environment, anything from a new colleague, to a new IT or administrative system, we have a small but powerful part of our brain that kicks in. We consciously or unconsciously begin to defend our territory.

  • Identify the crocodile behaviours that form the barrier to productivity, communication & change initiatives
  • Develop reactive strategies for coping with these behaviours
  • Unpack the productivity benefits of psychological safety
  • Create a proactive blueprint for a culture where crocodiles cannot thrive – A No Croc Zone

Download Crazy Crocs in Schools



1 Day

Method of Delivery

In-the-room Facilitation


A5 Crazy Croc Survival Booklet Large wooden crocodile


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