Building Functional Teams – Unpacking the Five Dysfunctions Model

Would you like a school management team that gets more accomplished in less time and makes higher quality decisions? Leading and managing a school is both a complex and at times exhausting job. This management team off-site break-away promises to shape, strengthen and align your team. Using Patrick Lencioni’s proven Five Dysfunctions Model and Workbook, we build cohesive  school management teams focused on the achievement of collective results.

Have you ever seen a team fall apart because of bickering, infighting, or a failure of accountability? Not only is it frustrating to watch, it’s also incredibly disheartening.

Patrick Lencioni, president of management consulting firm, The Table Group, wrote about the Five Dysfunctions of a Team in his 2002 book of the same name. He developed these principles after observing and coaching thousands of CEOs; Fortune 500 management teams; school management teams and church leaders.

We use his workbook to take management teams through the essentials to equip them as Functional Teams.

Functional teams feel safe to be vulnerable in front of one another and can engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas. They commit to decisions and plans of action and hold one another accountable for delivering against those plans. You will leave the break-away with a clear path, shared focus and a common goal.



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